Flask Cheatsheet

This site is a reference for Flask

Last updated on 14 June, 2021 at 09:50:16 Optimized for

Flask is a popular micro framework written in Python and used for building web applications. It supports extensions that can add application features as if they were implemented in Flask itself.

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Skeleton Application
How to create a bare-bones application

This example shows you how the minimal code required to setup a functional Flask app

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
# Make a route accessible, i.e. www.example.com/hello-world/
def hello():
   # Method which is executed when user accesses www.example.com/hello-world/
   return 'Hello, World!'

if __name__ == '__main__':
Routing Basics
Creating URL routes

def hello(name, age):
	return 'Hello ' + name + ', ' + 'you are ' + age + ' years old!'

# Other route converters
# string -> The default. Accepts any text without a slash.
# float -> A floating point integer, i.e. 4.32137
# int -> An integer, i.e. 7
# path -> Like a string but also accepts slash.
# uuid -> Accepts UUIDs (universally unique identifiers); think hexcode on steroids.
Request Methods
Handling user requests

@app.route('/test') # Accepts 'GET' by default and no other.
@app.route('/test', methods=['POST']) # Allows only 'POST'.
@app.route('/test', methods=['POST','PUT']) # Allows 'PUT' and 'POST' and no other.
Setting configuration values

app.config['CONFIG_NAME'] = 'config value' # E.g. app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = '832dcb4c00910ad5de1db300488e26d9'
app.config.from_envvar('ENV_VAR_NAME') # Gets the value from an environment value. Useful for API keys and similar information.
Using Flask+Jinja2 to render dynamic templates

from flask import render_template
@app.route('/')def index():
	return render_template('template_file.html', var1=value1, ...) # Specify as many vars as you want to, to pass down to the template.    
JSON Responses
Returning JSON instead of HTML

import jsonify
def returnstuff():
	num_list = [1,2,3,4,5]
	num_dict = {'numbers' : num_list, 'name' : 'Numbers'}
	return jsonify({'output' : num_dict})
# Usefull if you f.e. want to create a REST API for connecting the backend to the frontend.    
Request Data (Access)
Accessing user data with the request object

request.args['name'] # Query string arguments
request.form['name'] # Form data
request.method # Used to determine the request type. Can be used to check if user is POST'ing, PUT'ting, GET'ting etc.
request.cookies.get('cookie_name') # Getting a cookie, by name 'cookie_name'
request.files['name'] # Retrieving a file    
Redirecting a route in Flask

from flask import url_for, redirect
def home():
	return render_template('home.html')

def redirect_example():
	return redirect(url_for('home')) # Redirects the user to /home
	# url_for('') retrieves route and method for whatever method you give it.    
Aborting and Errorhandling
Handling a 404 Not Found error

from flask import abort()
def index():
	abort(404) # Returns 404 error. Use the errorhandler below to catch http codes, i.e. redirecting to your own 404 page.
	render_template('index.html') # This never gets executed

def page_not_found(error):
	return render_template('404.html', title='404: Missing Page'), 404    
Setting Cookies

from flask import make_response
def index():
	res = make_response(render_template('index.html'))
	res.set_cookie('cookie_name', 'cookie_value')
	return res    

import session
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'any random string' # Secret key must always be set to use sessions

# Set a session
def login_success():
	session['key_name'] = 'key_value' #stores a secure cookie in browser
return redirect(url_for('index'))

# Read a session
def index():
	if 'key_name' in session: # Session exists and has key named 'key_name'
		session_var = session['key_value']    

Online Resources & Books

Heavily inspired by Pretty Printed Flask Cheatsheet