Markdown Cheatsheet

This site is a reference for Markdown

Last updated on 14 June, 2021 at 09:50:16 Optimized for

Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain-text-formatting syntax. It was created in 2004. Markdown, also referred to simply as md, are often used in readme files for writing messages on online-discussion forums and to create rich text in simple texteditors.

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How to Write Headings in Markdown

Everything starts with proper sectioning of your content.

Syntax Description
# Heading

Equivalent to <h1> in HTML

## Sub heading

Equivalent to <h2> in HTML

### Sub-sub heading

Equivalent to <h3> in HTML

#### Fourth level heading

Equivalent to <h4> in HTML

##### Fifth level heading

Equivalent to <h5> in HTML

####### Sixth and last level

Equivalent to <h6> in HTML

Woah, that's kewl

Alternative level one heading

Pretty cool sub-heading!

Alternative level two heading


How to use emphasis in markdown

Command Description

Makes the text italic


Makes the text italic


Makes the text bold


Makes the text bold

`code text`

Used for emphasising code


How to write lists in markdown

Lists can be nested.
Command Description
* List item

Command description

- List item

Command description

- [ ] Checkbox (not checked)

Command description

- [x] Checkbox item (checked)

Command description

<number>. Numbered list item

Enumerated list



Command Description
![Image alt text](/path/to/img.jpg)

Command description

![Image alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "title")

Command description

![Image alt text][img]

Command description


Command description



Command Description

Command description


Command description


Command description

Horizontal Line

A minimum of three asterisks or dashes are required - use as many as you like. The asterisks and dashes may be seperated by spaces if you wish.
Command Description

Makes a horizontal line


Makes a horizontal line


Command Description

Used for blockquots. Starts with one and is increased by one > for each nested level.

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